
Monday, March 28, 2016


...was Friday.
Friday was March 25, 2016.
And March 25, 2016, was the day we got ourselves a one year old.

World, say goodbye to Eliza the baby:

And say hello to Eliza the toddler:

If you couldn't tell, she had a real good birthday weekend. On her birthday, on Friday, we ate Thai and hung out some friends and family, on Saturday we had a birthday party at the pool with homemade Cafe Rio with Charly's family and on Sunday it was Easter so, you know.

And now for a little compare and contrast:
Ari and Eliza at 2 days old.
Ari and Eliza at 1 year old.

And lets just end it with some lists:
Foods that are Eliza's jam: frozen peas, cheese, pears, peaches, blueberries, grapes...I mean, fruit:) Also, the ability to eat anything covered in yogurt, or just straight from the tub non fat greek yogurt, hummus, or Peace cereal mom decided to try that decidedly tastes like rabbit food. Apparently babies love rabbit food.

Foods that aren't: carbs, unless it's Grandma's homemade bread, avocado/guacamole, and pumpkin.

Eliza's bag of tricks includes: carrying things up the stairs only to throw them down a few stairs repeatedly until she gets to the bottom, walking, balancing things on top of one another- stacking blocks, trying to put the lid of something back on its container, and bothering mom anytime she gets in the computer chair. That's my calling card, so I'll finish this never. We love you, Em.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cross Country Skiing, Harriman Park

You guys. I think this could be my winter sport. All the logistics-able to do it with a baby, on your own or with a partner, you can five minutes from your house or five hours, and such and such- line up. Also, the cost. No $70 day passes for potentially horrible snow or the pressure to make your season pass worthwhile along with the fact that it is a dang good workout.

My parents made a spur of the moment trip to Idaho and we went on a nice Saturday up to Harriman Park. Since I still have zero flexibility in my hips I fell, a lot, but it was still such a good time. There were swans and blankets of untouched snow and all that magic stuff//Eliza loved, and I mean LOVED eating the snow. This actually happened the week before I went to Fallcreek Falls, and is where she really got her first taste of it as well as a little snow slide down a 3 foot bank we'd catch her at the end of.

Aside from skiing, when they were here we did a lot of other fun things, like going grocery shopping with my dad which is a fun tradition we have and the fact that other people giving Em attention allowed me to create a few embroidery pieces for friends. Charly and I showed my parents some good places to eat that they hadn't been to before and Eliza got a lot of lovin' along with a first taste of going four wheeling in the truck.