
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Birthday Weekend

I've never really been one for birthdays. I know some people get really excited for them. But, really, I'm still not convinced that everyone in the world needs to work their day around yours to make it special. Nor am I convinced that it's an occasion that you need to skip school for or take off work for. I originally thought to myself "just thai food with Charly and biking or something is what we'll do," but boy was I wrong. Charly went over and beyond to make my 23rd birthday special on June 15, in fact he turned it into a whole weekend. Friday night was the farmers market for the first (and most likely only time this year) and thai food. And you must know, chuck hates the farmer's market. I usually walk around the place once to get a gist of the place, then do another few rounds to really hone in and look at all the foods and things I want. After the first lap, though, I heard Charly behind me: "I can't do another lap," in a weary voice. You also must know our farmers market is only every Friday night and really small, like twenty vendors small. I'll take what I can get though and satisfied myself with some chocolate covered peanuts (which, of course, remind me of my dad), and we went and at dinner (mango curry please).

Saturday morning we woke up early and hiked out into the mountains to watch the sun rise as a yellow blob above the peaks. I expected to feel something nothing short of majestic as we huddled in the brisk morning air together, but we got there an hour early and it was more like "I'm done, it's cold, let's go. I'm over it, I don't need to see this,"every ten minutes, and then Chuck and I agreeing that we had to stay and see it through just for the sole reason that we could say we did and never get the urge to do it again. And it really was beautiful as it rose, but I didn't receive any life affirming thoughts or guidance. Next it was free breakfast at the Legacy flight museum just down the road from our house and a ride in a T-6 that, oh my gosh, I got to fly myself for about twenty minutes and then do some roles in. My pilot took us over the Kelly Canyon range and it was fun to try to pick out biking trails and see rock climbing crags from above. After that it was lunch a hour away at Charly's dad's side of the family reunion. This is where it gets dicey, because after I finished my fourth cookie I felt the worst pain in my stomach. Like a pain that I hadn't felt for a really, really long time. Ok, I thought, it's because I ate so much. I could barely walk, but I didn't say much about it and accompanied the nephews, nieces, and husband to where the paddleboat was and eventually it passed. After that we impulsively decided to go to Bear World (like a "hey there's the Bear World billboard, wanna go?" as we were driving by it." I mean, the pain passed mostly, but not enough to go to Pocatello and bike, so we felt the need to do one more thing. Let me tell you, those baby bears could melt my heart, especially the one that kept accidentally shocking itself on the fence and throwing a fit about it. I loved it so much we went twice in one day because we wanted to get out of the car and it was too hot for Mace to be in there. Plus, dogs will struggle when driving closely by dozens of bears, deer, bison, etc. We ended the day with some burn notice and that was that...until Sunday.

Which really isn't as exciting, just a nice day at church followed by tin foil dinners, ice krispies, and cheesecake at Charly's parents house in Blackfoot. After that last bite of cheese cake I felt it again. That pain, accompanied by nausea. To cut it short, I barely made the hour long car ride home and then proceeding to lose four pounds to the stomach virus. Not to mention that when I get anything stomach related, I get it bad. Seemingly worse than everyone else. Then again, I could totally just be a wuss. But man alive, was it just awful.

My mom sent me the cutest card, but I have no idea what you are and aren't suppose to show with a check so I just laid those crappy white dots all over the place.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Island Park Car Camping

Car camping is awesome if you plan it just right. Basically that includes these things:
  1. Don't plan anything.
  2. When you pack everything, throw it randomly and unevenly in the truck. 
  3. Forget your sleeping bags, because hey, whats the extra two hours of driving in the middle of the night to retrieve them?
  4. Bring all the food. All. The. Food.
  5. Bring all the toys. All. The. Toys...bikes, pit bike, hatchet, chainsaw...
  6. Have late night campfire talks.
  7. Sleep in two hours later than everyone, and most importantly:
  8. Do it after a backpacking trip. You'll have the need for serious and challenging adventure behind you for the moment, and you'll be ready to just relax with an ice cold capri sun that you just grabbed out of a humongous cooler of beverages. Oh yeah-

  10. I'd have to say that the bike ride was the best part. Full of beautiful snowy topped (Sawtell) mountains that met the spring green trees and that perfect feeling of solitude you get when you're with just a couple of close great people (the husband and brother-in-law). We biked up hill for around forty minutes at an easy incline. My only regret is that we didn't go a little bit further, where we think the top might have been after looking at where we went from a distance. Lack of water the whole way will turn you back though, and that was where we were at that point in the trail. Chuck would probably say the best part was the private fishing spot we found, where he caught the largest trout in his life. I guess another good part would be the girls. Girls! I always enjoy it when I'm not the only one. It's even more enjoyable when one of the two other girls there lived in the South, including Florida. Let's just say it had been a long long time since I was able to hold a conversation about how great muggy hot air is and how big and terrorizing the ants are there.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Palisades Lake Day Three

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Goodbye lake.

My morning hair.

Then end of the trail.