
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Swim swim

Sometimes, when it's been days since Em and I have really gotten out, we both go stir crazy. I can actually see it in Eliza which I always find amusing, since it's not like she has her own personal assistant catering to her every desire...if I had that I wouldn't leave the house or socialize for weeks at a time ;)  When those days come it's always easier to swimsuit up and walk over to the pool. I couldn't resist putting her in this swimsuit that is sized 12-18 mo. I bought it probably when she was about four months old and have just been patiently waiting for her to fit in it. She's still a little small, but goodness I needed something to keep me going halfway through the week haha.

Let me explain: Eliza is not sleeping great. Like we thought on the previous post, we think she is on the slow train forward but who knows. She has six puffy spots on her upper gums so we are guessing it's teething. Last night she went down at 8:30, then woke at 9:30, 12:30, 1:30, 3:30,4:30, and 6:30...or something rather close to that. If we get three solid straight hours of sleep we are like "YEEEEEEESSSS. that was amazing! #soblessed." except we are still living dog tired, and unlike the newborn stage (where we got more sleep to begin with), she doesn't snooze all day either. I am hoping it's just teething and that she's cutting every single tooth and I'll never have to go through this again for a long long time, but who knows. Teething aside, here she is having a post nap bath.

Anyways. Back to swimming. This time at the pool was pretty great, as Em is now so interactive. She hangs out on the large step a lot of the time and will climb out of the pool and crawl around, giggle at the torpedo shark toy that "gets" her, and will sit on the edge and push off of it knowing I'll catch her as she falls into the water. The last one is a blast but also kinda gets me on edge since she does when I'm not expecting it. We also started dunking her under the water once or twice when we go. She doesn't really enjoy it, but at the same time she doesn't cry either. We just blow in her face and put her underwater for a split second- I think it's good for her to get used to. It drives me slightly batty to see things in the news or hear about people who can't swim or don't have those basic life skills that involve being used to the water. I mean, there's a difference between not-really-into- it-and-could-do-it-to-save-my-life and I-will-literally-start-to-drown-the-second-I'm-in-the-water. It just a life skill!

Again, ANYWAYS. Em looked stinkin' cute so here are some more stinkin' pictures of when we did it all over again later that week, only this time in a swimsuit that is more meant for her size ;).

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