
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Almost Three Months

Eliza has started sleeping eight or nine hours a night and is doling out the sweetest smiles and coos (which made what was a pretty long stretch of 5:30am wake up calls a lot more bearable). We celebrated the extra sleep by going mountain biking, but honestly I'm also kicking myself for how much sleep I think we could have been getting all along! A few weeks prior Eliza gave us a seven and an eight hour stretch of sleep and then took a turn and started sleeping shorter stretches and waking up super early (5:30 am). It was wonky and while I loved those long stretches of sleep it was almost torture wondering if she would ever finally do it again. Well, one day she got pee on her thin cotton swaddle and we were slow to getting it washed. We ended up turning the ac down and putting her naked in a fleece swaddle and she slept like... a baby haha. Looking back I realize she was probably just a little colder than she liked- just cold enough to disrupt her sleep but not cold enough for it to be an actual concern. So we've stuck to the fleece swaddle and turning down the ac a bit to make sure she doesn't overheat. We might pay a little more an energy bills, but hey, when I'm not as tire I don't eat as much so we're saving on grocery bills? I honestly could care less and I could also honestly write 60 more pages on the topic of sleep alone. Instead though, I'll just throw up these:

The top two were taken on a Sunday walk and the bottom few were taken a few weeks after.

And I totally forgot to resize that wide eyed photo of her and am not going to fix it because I think it's pretty funny that it's that particular one haha.

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