Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Upper Palisades Lake Day One
Chuck and Joe worked Saturday, but the second we closed our doors we were out the door. Initially, we were sure we would be setting up tent in the dark. It took us at least five hours to make the hike last year, it gets dark at around nine, and we wouldn't start up the trail until four thirty. However, something just clicked and we hiked past the hills of dull grey rock and through muggy-ish for idaho right by the lake junglish looking trails in just over three hours. Needless to say, the trail is kind of diverse. We had more than enough time to set up camp and cook us some freeze dried lasagna. Mmmmm, it's was delish. The moon timidly peeked over the mountains, and then rose with a soft grace as we waited for Scott (Joe's roommate) to make the trek up alone in the dark- he had a prior engagement from hiking up with us and made it to our camp at one am. One am! Alone! In the dark! He did say he wouldn't be doing that again, but seriously. I couldn't get up to pee in the middle of the night twenty feet away from my tent, much less make the seven mile hike + an extra three miles for going the wrong way.
How heavy Charly's bag was (mine was only 26 pounds).

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